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Local and worldwide resources and support

Resources for Ecopsychology, Equine Therapy/Leadership, Eating Disorders, Trauma, LGBTQ+ and Spiritual Growth Resources
 (Links when clicked on) 



Eating Disorder Recovery Support in Marin/Sonoma County, serving all of California 


National Alliance for Eating Disorders

Where there is hope 

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' Ai Pono 

Treatment for those suffering from eating disorder from a whole person approach 


Body Reborn

We are an intersectional healing community for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). 

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Dr. Anita Johnston

Psychotherapy consultation and online support for eating difficulties at Light go the Moon Cafe

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Project Heal

Helping people who have eating disorders access care  

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Carolyn Costin

Psychotherapy consultation and The Carolyn Costin Institute offers continuing education, certification for coaches and family resources


Fedup Collective

Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations: A Trans+ & Intersex Collective

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Information on EMDR trauma therapy and resources for clinicians 

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Sonoma County sexual assault crisis line, groups, training, prevention and more



The Certification Board for Equine Interaction Professionals ) promotes independent certification for mental health professionals or educators who
incorporate equine into their therapy or education/coaching practice. 

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The Body Positive

Education, campus leadership, training and more



Sexual assault information, prevention, training and more



The Worldwide HorseDream Training Program For Companies, Leaders, Teams And Trainers

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The School of Lost Boarders

Vision Quests, rites of passage, building of community and training 

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Transgender support, resources and information 

Using a Touch Phone

National Suicide Prevention 

National suicide hotline 24/7 as well as resources 

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Ecotherapy, connection with earth, rites or passage and offerings

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Positive Images

 LGBTQ+ Community Center in Sonoma Count with weekly support groups, a youth leadership development program, mentorship opportunities and resources

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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Resources, support and more

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